Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I've had a rough week or so.  Vivian and I both got colds which resulted in double ear infections for both of us and a sinus infection for me.  Blake also managed to get sick, but Cody and Carter are okay for now.  I think I'm on the upswing...still crossing my fingers.  I'm sleep deprived because of Vivian still suffering from her infection.  The antibiotic she was on wasn't working, so we switched to a stronger one.  Hopefully there is relief coming her way soon.  Not much has happened in my life since I have been homebound for over a week now.  Our car is in the shop getting fixed.  A few weeks ago an awesome person decided to do a little hit and run number on our car and not tell us about it.  It happened in the HP parking lot, which happens to not have security cameras.  Not happy about that one, especially since part of the fix comes out of our pocket.  

Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.  

Vivian loves to dance with us.  She also likes wearing this rather large cowboy hat.  She wouldn't take it off.  

You see that coating of red around her lips? Well, I came in one morning from taking Carter to the bus stop and she had blood dripping from her chin.  I asked Cody what happened and he said nothing. I  looked inside her mouth and sure enough, her other top tooth came through her gum.  She bled that morning for a few hours and because of drooling from teething it left a nice little area around her mouth.

She is doing a lot of this everyday when she should be taking a nap.  She loves to throw her pacifier out now because she knows I'll come in and give it back to her.  

One of Blake's awesome outfits he put together last week.  Converse, tall blue socks, plaid shorts, BYU shirt and sunglasses.  

This is what I find her doing at least 10 times a day.  You think she would get sick of playing with the same stuff, but she doesn't.  I'm ready for my own house so I can baby proof it.  

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Blake looks like a typical RM BYU student!!! :)