Friday, September 24, 2010


Well folks, it's been 17 months so that means it's time for the Fielding family to pack up and move again, right?  Right.  We figure we might as well move for the 13th time and erupt our lives yet once again.  This is a very exciting move for us and one we thought we would NEVER do, but things change over time.  Cody has the opportunity to telework with his new role with HP from home, which means we can move ANYWHERE we want.  Washington state is our choice.  It will be the 7th state we've lived in since being married, which means I've had three children in three different states.  I'm on a roll here people. When we told our kids we would be moving, Carter ran to the next room and started crying.  This was definitely not the reaction we were expecting since he has been begging us to live by his cousins.  I asked him what was wrong and he said "I don't want to go to half-day kindergarten and they have half-day kindergarten in Washington."  Trust me, I'm just as big of a fan of all day kindergarten as he is, but this is the sacrifice we will both have to make.  I think I can do it.  One month from now we will be starting our four day journey home and I will be wanting to rip my hair out since I'm pretty sure Vivian is not going to like being strapped in her car seat for 10 hours a day for four days.  Anyone have any air miles they want to give us?  Cody and I will each be driving a car.  I'm thinking he would get some great bonding time with our children if he drove with them most of the way.  The crazy thing is, he would totally agree to this.  He did it on our move here, but we didn't have a 12 month old that time.  Wish us luck as we get things ready.  Oh, and we also don't have a place to live yet, but that's pretty normal for us.


Britanny said...

Well, I'm excited that you'll be back in WA. It gives us a much better chance of actually seeing each other--at least better than you living so far away!

Laura said...

you are brave. maybe you should invest in inflatable furniture! good luck.

Alayne said...

What?!? If this were facebook, I would strongly "dislike" this post :-( Of course, I'm happy for you, just not for us! We will miss you guys.

brentandkashann said...

I hope this will be a permanent relocation for you guys. How fun for the Lybbert girls!

The Bluths said...

wowee! Well that sounds like fun, especially since he gets to work from home!

Jill said...


Street Fam said...

Hooray! We are excited for you guys! That means will be able to see sometime in the near future! Good luck with the drive.

blindblogger said...

Good luck! That is great news, now we should see you every once and awhile. Wow.

Teri said...

I KNEW it. Welcome home!

Unknown said...

Yikes! We better drive up before you ship out!

Jenna said...

I am SOOOO happy for you! I know you've been wanting this. !3 moves, really? You're amazing.

Levi said...

Yay's sooooo fun to live by family and cousins! We are excited to see you more!

Whitney said...

This is so exciting for you guys! Hope everything goes smoothly as you get ready!

Nicole said...

That is very exciting...sure you don't wanna come to CA??? We would love it! :)

Cooper Squared said...

Could not be happier for you. Could not be sadder for myself! :) I feel like I am going through a breakup.

Brooke said...

I am so happy for you guys!!! That's exciting.....except for the long drive with three little will make it though and how fun will it be to be back by your family? Woo hoo!!

Jenn said...

Your amazing--I can't imagine moving that many times!!! Best of luck!!!! So glad you get to move back "home" It's really is so nice to be close to family!