Monday, August 9, 2010

Carter's First "Friends" Birthday Party

I know, I'm a lame Mom.  This is my child's fifth year of living and his first official birthday party.  What can I say, he has a summer birthday and people leave for months on end during the summers here in Texas.  Wait, we've only been here a little over a year.  Oh well, I have no excuse.  To say Carter was excited for this party would be a HUGE understatement.  He woke up extra early the morning of, just in case I forgot.  I actually thought I was going to get away without having stresses me out to no end planning a child's party.  Maybe that is why I never have them.  I look at all of these other cool parties put on by fabulous mothers and know that I can't come close to competing.  My husband likes to keep things simple...he's a no fuss guy.  So what if you don't have matching decorations and the coolest games and the best food and the most amazing party favors.  We left it up to Carter to decide exactly what he wanted at the party.  Isn't that how it should be?  Here is the run down:

He wanted his three boy friends from pre-school to come. Check.  (Wasn't I lucky that he didn't request 15 kids?  After the party he said "So, when is my girl party?" )
Science Exeperiments.  Check.  (We did seven.)
Chocolate Cupcakes with Sprinkles.  Check.
Hot Dogs with Doritos and Watermelon.  Check.
Play with Toys.  Check.
Party Favors consisted of two of his favorite things: a headlamp and Kit Kat candy bars.  Check.

So, I got to work finding simple, yet fun science experiments that would entertain five year olds.  They were so easy and the kids really enjoyed them.  After the experiments, the boys gave Carter their presents and they all went to town playing with them.  After some fun play time with toys, it was time to eat, sing and have birthday cupcakes.

Carter's first birthday cupcake on his actual birthday.  He wanted ice cream in it, so this is what I found.  I just had to throw this picture in there since I missed it on a previous post.

Watching the water experiment.  

We let each of the boys do the experiments.  

Hot and cold water.  You add food coloring to each and see which glass the dye spreads in fastest.  

Of course we did the baking soda and vinegar experiment.  What little child doesn't love to see an "explosion"?

Just before the ripping of wrapping paper.  

Playing with the new toys.

Lunch.  Definitely not something I would choose, but he was very happy with it. He even ate two.  That's my boy!

The cupcakes.

Our happy five year old being sung to by his family and friends.  He said that it was the best day EVER!

I loved how easy this party was...from the invitations (emailed) to the food.  Sometimes it's nice to not have to fuss over all the details...although, I do like all the details.  Boys are just so easy to let's hope Vivian is the same way.  


The Bluths said...


The Herberts said...

I love your photos what kind of camera do you have?

Candace said...

Canon Rebel T1i. Cody got it for me for Costco.

Jenna said...

That is a great birthday party! Now since that one was successful you'll keep getting asked for more!

Unknown said...

#1 Mom award goes to you. I have decided. :-) honestly what a fun and easy party...wish we lived closer. then I could use you for all your talents and I wouldn't even feel bad about it. :-)

Unknown said...

ok i take it back. i'd feel bad.

Jennie said...

You're not a lame mom...I would say Smart mom!! Is Carter really 5??? You guys must come visit soon. Your kids are growing up too fast!

Steph said...

Aww I miss those boys! I was a teacher in Carter's pre-school last year, and I came back this year.. I miss Carter, Camden, and Kai so much! I sure hope Carter's having fun in Kindergarten :)