Friday, August 6, 2010

Vivian's Tooth

We went through a traumatizing tooth experience with Vivian two weeks ago.  About two weeks beforehand, her top tooth had broken through the skin but you would never be able to tell until you felt it with your finger or looked in at her gum.  When she woke up from her afternoon nap two weeks ago, she opened her mouth and I got a glimpse of something.  I looked in her mouth and this is what I found.  I was shocked.  At first I thought it was her tooth stuck inside the gum, but how could her tooth come down like that in a matter of a few hours.  Well, two and a half hours later, it had come down even more.  Cody came home from work and I showed him. We didn't know what to think of it, so we emailed pictures to my cousin who is a dentist and a dentist in our ward.  They both said the roots to the tooth were most likely dead.  I was devastated.  I didn't want my baby to be toothless there until she was 8!  I felt the "tooth" and it was wiggly and flexible.  Something wasn't right.  The next morning, the color of the gum had changed to a dark/bloody looking purple.  Four hours later is was creamy white.  While she was in the bath that Saturday nigh, I felt inside her mouth and lifted up the flap of skin and low and behold, there was a tooth under it.  It was a baby tooth miracle.  My baby wasn't going to be toothless after all.  Sunday morning she woke up and the flap was gone.  I was relieved to say the least.  The dentists came to the conclusion that is was either a harmless cyst or the sac that baby teeth are in before they come out.  This was definitely a learning process for us.  She was a good sport through the whole thing.  We are all just glad that it's over and hope it doesn't happen again.

After I first discovered the "tooth".

Two and a half hours later.  It came down even more.  It's hard to tell in the blurry pictures.

The next day after the "tooth" had turned creamy white.  By this point, she was more than done with us looking in hour mouth.  With lifted up the flap of skin and there was her tooth.  

Please excuse the baby boogers.

Holding down the flap to get a better look at it.


Jenna said...

How crazy! Life is full of surprises huh? I'm glad her real tooth came right in!

The Bluths said...
