Monday, July 26, 2010

Grandpa Fielding's House

Some of the most beautiful country ever is in Summerville, Oregon.  Grandpa ( Cody's grandpa) has some land up there with lot's of horses, hay and cows.

The boy cousins.

Blake, can you please smile at the camera at least one time in your life?

The Fielding boys.  Aren't they a handsome bunch?

Vivian loved the grass.  It was her first time sitting on it since she can't sit on the horrible grass in Texas...too many fire ants and too stiff.

Grandpa with his grandchildren.  Very hard to take a picture of 8 tired children.


Cooper Squared said...

Candace these are all beautiful pictures! You are getting so good!

Whitney said...

Love these pictures! I miss the annual trip up to the Fielding house in the summer.