Monday, July 26, 2010

Priest Lake 2010

Our view from the cabin.

Maybe we should start counting how many different outfits Blake can come up while wearing his famous cowboy boots.

Blake tubing with cousin Chandler.

Look at Clara's legs.  I wish they looked that cute on adults.  :)

Having fun on the wave runners.  Cody and Kyle sure did have fun on those.

My boys taking an afternoon nap on the boat.  What better way to take a snooze.

Mama and baby.

Canoeing on the Lake.

All three babies.  We probably won't have this many babies at one time again...maybe.

Kate and Blake holding hands on the way to the "candy store".

Carter took about 15 minutes trying to decide what to get.  Such hard decisions for a 4 year old boy.

Taking a bath in a bucket.  She really liked it.

Cowboy Blake taking a bath in a bucket while the sunsets.  This kid has got it made.

S'mores, s'mores and more s'mores.

The Priest Lake canoe.  Lot's of good times had in there.

Who eats burnt marshmallows?  Baden does.

Oh look, another outfit of Blake's.  

Attempting a family picture.  Wow, they are impossible to capture.  No one seems to look in the camera except mom and dad.  Maybe someday.  Oh, and Blake, thanks for not smiling AGAIN.



Laura said...

How have i missed all your updates!? The family picture is awesome. You look so beautiful, as usual.
Burnt marshmallows are my favorite.

Chelsea said...

Great pictures, wow, they look so good.

Speaking of pictures, who took your family photos? They are so talented. haha.

Most of mine are fuzzy, dang it, but there are some good ones. The package hasn't re-come yet.