Monday, July 26, 2010

Going Home

 We flew home the last day of June to beautiful weather.  After a few days with Lybbert cousins, we headed off to see Fielding cousins at Great Grandpa Fielding's house where all of Cody's brothers and their families were meeting up with us.  We had a great weekend together and drove back to WA on the 4th of July.  Vivian and I got sick with colds just after we got to WA, so things were a little bumpy for us.  On the 4th, Blake came down with a fever and spent the next day sleeping and throwing up.  Unfortunately, that was the day of our Lybbert Reunion.  We still had fun.  Finally he was better, but then it was Carter's turn...he got a sore throat.  Then Vivian started throwing up, but it didn't seem to affect her so much.  Oh, and did I mention she got a tooth while we were home?  Lot's of things happening in our little family. We stayed at my parents house for a week before heading up to our annual Priest Lake trip to the cabin.  I'll save those pictures for another post.  

Swimming as much as we could at my parents house. 

My dad saved a row of corn for the boys to plant.  Carter LOVES planting things, so he was more than happy to help.

Part of my parents garden.  Isn't it lovely?

The first picking of vegetables from the garden.  Doesn't this seem too good to be true?  I dream of the day I can have a garden.

Blueberry picking at a local blueberry farm.  We made lot's of blueberry muffins.

Lounging in her usual position.

My most favorite ice cream from Country Mercantile.  It's called Chocolate Suicide.  I love it so much I bought 3 gallons of it.  We ate it all week at the cabin and enjoyed every single bite.  I sure wish you could buy this stuff online.  I'm already craving it again. It kills me that I have to wait another whole year to eat it.  

Family party.  Wouldn't be complete without LOT'S of homemade ice cream.  We love our White Mountain ice cream makers.

Making homemade root beer at our Lybbert family reunion.

Pull-up contests for every age.  Carter LOVES winning.  Can you tell he is competitive?  

Shaking hands at the end.

I even gave it a go.  Not the most flattering picture of myself.  Only one for me, and I was doing it the easy way.  I'm a wimp these days.  A little shout out to my husband...he won with 12 or 13.

Oreo contest.  You had to put the Oreo on your forehead and then move it with your facial muscles to your mouth.  It was pretty fun.  I made it on my first try.  I really like Oreo's.  Again, not a flattering picture of myself.

Siphon tube contest.  I'm not very good at all.  They used to irrigate the crops on the farm using siphon tubes. That's hard work.


Britanny said...

I tried doing a pullup last summer at the park and was mortified when I couldn't even do one...sad.

Whitney said...

I have NEVER been able to do a pull-up. Ever. So, I'm impressed that you did one.
I love Vivian's lounging pose. And her blue eyes!