Monday, November 15, 2010


We made it to our new home on Sunday the 24th of October.  Boy did it feel good to get out of the car after four days of traveling knowing that I didn't have to drive anywhere the next day.  Everyone was great.  Vivian was almost perfect.  She fussed for about 1/2 hour total of the 35 hour trip.  I know, shocking, but true.  She is now teething and a whole different story.  Our belongings weren't scheduled to arrive until the 28th, so we hung out at my parents house.  Cody started work again on Monday the 25th, so he worked from our new home during that time.

Our home is small, but is the cleanest rental we have ever moved into.  Thank heavens!  We are 2 minutes from my older sisters home and about 7 from my little sisters house.  Needless to say, there is lot's of cousin time.  Our boys are in heaven and can't believe that we live here.  Blake would get upset every time we left someone's house for fear that we were not coming back for a long time.  I think it has finally settled with him.  The weather is starting to get chilly, but that doesn't keep our kids from playing outside all of the time.  We have a backyard now, so they are in pure bliss everyday.

When we were driving away from Texas, the first song that came on the radio as we pulled away from our friends house, was "Home" by Michael Buble.  I had a mix of emotions.  Sad to leave all of our friends behind and excited to join family and make new friends.  Texas was good to us for the 18 months we lived there.

Carter has gone from all day kindergarten to 1/2 day, which is annoying for him.  He needs his learning time.  I feel like he has barely gone to school since moving here.  I swear they have a day off every other day.  He's already looking forward to next year when he get's to go all day again.  The good part is, he is in his cousins class.  That made the transition into a new school much easier, I think.

That's about all I have time for.  People have been asking for updates, so there is a short one for you.  I'll hopefully post some pictures today.  I feel like now that it has been almost a month since I last posted, it's really hard to get back into the whole blogging thing. I've been enjoying my break.

Peace out.


Jenna said...

So glad you guys made it ok. I'm so happy for you to be with family again...what a blessing. And I love the Halloween pictures!

The Bluths said...

Jane is teething right now too. Getting her top 4 in all at once. That must be really nice being by all your family, someday I'll hope for that :) We miss you guys!