Monday, November 15, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween crept up on us really fast this year.  We moved into our house and the next day couple of days we celebrated.  I was not totally prepared, so my older sister came to the rescue.  She dumped all of the costumes she had rounded up and let all of the kids have at it and choose what they wanted to be.  Carter was a cowboy, Blake batman and Vivian a little zebra.  I actually came up with Vivian's costume.  Her tail and head piece were .99 at Target from after Halloween last year.  She happened to have some cute stripped leggings and a little collard shirt to match.  Blake slept in his costume two nights in a row and wore it all day for three days.  Finally I was able to sneak it back to my sister's house.  We took the kids to a local store for free Halloween portraits.  Uncle Andrew, fresh off of his mission joined in the fun.  Blake thought it was awesome that there were two batman's.  One just had chubbier cheeks at the time, but that is taken care of now.  :)  Oh, and of course our Texas boy had to wear his cowboy boots with his costume.  

Blake is actually kind of smiling for a picture.  He was worn out by the time the group picture came around.

I laugh every time I look at this picture.  The lion and the zebra are holding hands.  

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