Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day One of Four...done!

We traveled for 10 hours today...8 1/2 driving.  No one cried.  Let me repeat that.  NO ONE CRIED!!!  It was a traveling miracle.  I just hope it does't all get bottled up and come out the last couple of days non-stop.  I was pleasantly surprised and couldn't believe it.  I wasn't expecting the two oldest to cry...just Vivian.   She slept great and was a total baby trooper.  The boys are riding with Cody and Vivian is with me.  We'll probably switch it up a bit over the next three days to get some variety, but it's going great so far.  We are completely exhausted since we feel like last night's sleep was just a nap.  We got to bed really late and were awoken at 4:49 this morning by Carter asking if it was time to leave yet.  That boy is excited!  Three more days to go...our cars are packed to the brim.  We are sleeping in Lubbock, Texas tonight at the best $40 Priceline deal I have ever gotten.  The Holiday Inn put us up in a two bedroom king sweet.  I'm in heaven.  Goodnight!


Jenn said...

Good luck with the rest of your move!!! Jason was asking about you guys the other day, so I gave him the update... If you're ever driving through good ol' ID-- give us a call--we'd love to see you and have lots of space if you need a place to stay!

Loren said...

Good luck getting to your dream place. We olay word games, have sing along stories, make up stories, play eye- probably did all of those things. Somehow life is easier if you just accept that there will be chaos. You will probably be more frustrated next Sunday trying to be reverent in church.- kara

Brooke said...

Candace!! I hope you are in Washington and survived your move! Can't wait to see pics of your new place and hear about your new adventures...what an exciting time for your family :o)