Saturday, October 2, 2010

 Vivian's birthday started off with four shots and a long instrument in both of her ears to clean out the ear infection that had dried up in both of her ears.  She took two really good naps and had lots of fun at her little party.  I think with each child, their first year goes by much faster.  I hate that.  I feel like I was just sitting in my hospital bed holding her not really believing that we had just had a baby girl.  I don't think it's possible for us to love her anymore than we already do.  Happy Birthday Vivian!

Exactly 365 days ago yesterday.  Just before I went to the hospital.  My first time going to the hospital to have a baby with a smile on my face.  Loved it.

Coincidentally, I wore the same exact shirt yesterday without even knowing until later in the day. I had to have Cody take a picture of this one.  It's not a maternity shirt either.

What my legs looked like the last two months of my pregnancy.  I still wince every time I look at this picture.  You can make fun of my legs...I did all of the time.  Thank goodness they went back to normal after a month or so.

Just after she was born.  We were so happy to have a girl join our family.  

Now for monthly pictures of Vivian's first year.

5 days old.

2 months.

3 months.

4 months.

5 months.

6 months.

7 months.

8 months.

9 months.

10 months.

11 months.

12 months.

The cake I made her.  I am not a cake decorator, so the pink frosting was put on with a zip lock bag.  
Warning: most of the following pictures were taken at night, so I had to use my flash; therefore, the shadows that I despise and the natural light missing.

Me and my girl

She got the hang of ripping open her presents...with her brothers' help, of course.  We got her this and this.

Her favorite present, a book.

She loved the candle.  

I taught her how to blow, but she wouldn't perform for us.  The candle was too enticing. 

She didn't know what to think of the cupcake.  

It took her two seconds to decide that it needed to be in her mouth.

Her frosting gotee.

She had a great birthday even though she had no idea what was going on.  


Unknown said...

she is absolutely beautiful! :-)

The Bluths said...

Ah, Happy Birthday. I have no clue what I'm going to do for Jane's birthday later this month. Yikes!

Whitney said...

I'm so glad that you shared the photo of your swollen feet. Mine look like that... and I still have 7 weeks to go. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see the bones in my feet again.