Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Favorite Moments From Last Week

Holding my baby just out of the bath.  She laid in my arms for a good 10 minutes and just smiled at me.  Seriously, that was lucky for an almost 10 month old.  I'm wearing no make-up, my hair is hanging in my face and I'm hotter than hot (temperature wise). My baby didn't care, and either did I.

I'm glad that I was able to catch these moments.

Carter and Blake hugging because they were so excited that Carter got Toy Story 2 for his birthday.

The boys counting the money in their banks on a rainy day.  They were seeing if they had enough to get back to Nana's house.  I don't think the nearly $24 is going to cut it.

Blake packing his backpack for the hundredth time since being home from WA.  After getting up in the morning and after every nap he packs his blanket in there along with a few other things.  He's still doing it...


Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH LOVED This post!!! The picture of them counting their money is priceless. YOu should seriously frame that one!

The Bluths said...

That picture of them hugging made me laugh out loud!