Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eight Months

 Vivian is 8 months old today.  Lot's of new things for her lately.  Two new teeth.

 New face she discovered she likes to make.

 I'm not sure why it looks like she has a lazy eye here, but she doesn't.

 Getting up on all fours a few times.  I'm putting a stop to that as much as I can. I'm not ready for crawling.  I have a feeling it will be a while longer.

This girl loves the water.  We have been spending lot's of time outside in the pool. Almost everyday you can find us there.  From the picture, you can tell it is really bright and sunny here in Texas.   I was definitely on the wrong camera setting.  We love this girl.  I love the age she is at, but I keep saying that everyday.  


Jill said...

Oooh this is torture on me!

Jenna said...

Oh she's getting to be such a big girl! This is a fun stage, a very happy stage for mom and baby!

The Bluths said...

I wish you were still here so we could have Jane and Viv together!

Unknown said...

I love little babies that sit up. I think it is so sweet.

She is beautiful!

Whitney said...

Love that new face!

The Herberts said...

She is so adorable!