Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Weekend

What a weekend. We managed to pack in fun activities; therefore, the weekend flew by...as usual.


The boys like to strip down to their underwear and play in the rain whenever they can, which is every time it rains. 

We hit up a new frozen yogurt shop down the street.  I give it two thumbs up.  I'm a sucker for non-fat frozen yogurt.  It's self-serve, so they charge by the ounce.  We'll definitely be going back. 

We enjoyed an afternoon at the neighborhood pool.

This is how Blake can be found in the water 99% of the time.  Always has been like this, always will be.

This is what happens to your precious little baby girl when you go into Crate and Barrel to buy a replacement dinner plate and come back minutes later to find that dad had a good time making scary noises and faces at the kids in the car.  One of them didn't like it so much.  Notice the red splotchy face?  Dad had to give her the lotion to make her happy.  I was trying to figure out what in the world happened to my baby.  The picture definitely doesn't do it justice.

Going downtown to a park for a picnic.  The ducks, and whatever else this animal is, would not leave us alone.  Blake was not very fond of the animal at all.  He kept screaming "I don't like it!"

Hitting up another frozen yogurt shop...this time downtown.  They had 15 flavors.  All non-fat.  I tired 5 different flavors and they were SO good.

Lastly, playing on the couch with Dad on Sunday evening.

Weekend, where are you?


The Bluths said...

They built a place called Yogurtz here in Surprise, by the new Fry's Marketplace on Greenway and Cotton. It is 39 cents an oz and really good!

Jenna said...

I know I know, weekends always go by WAY too fast. That's why you've got to make them worth it, and you definitely did that!

Whitney said...

What the? CODY! Rude to scare his little girl! But also, so funny. I love that you took a picture of it.

Gina said...

Yum! I love a good frozen yogurt too. My night was just made when my friend told me that Red Mango is opening up in Omaha. WOOHOO!

It looks like a fun weekend was had!