Friday, September 16, 2011

Carter turns 6

Carter wanted a pool party this year for his birthday, so we headed out to Nana and Papa's for the festivities.  Luckily, he is very easy to please and doesn't have too many requests.  He always wants an ice cream cake, so I whipped up this cake the day before and we managed to eat the entire thing.

He requested mini oreos to make the 6.

It seems like we were just celebrating his first birthday in Arizona.  He cried all day because of teething his one year molars.  He practically put himself to bed at 6:00 that night.  Times have changed.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Lybbert surprised him at his party.  Don't they look so good?

A shot of the cake.  It looks much more complicated than it really is.  Maybe I'll share the recipe sometime.  It's a good one.

We've gone from 1 to 3 in six years.  We love you Carter!

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