Monday, February 1, 2010

Before and After TV Console

Just after Christmas, my mom and I ran into a Goodwill looking for some old picture frames.  When we moved here we didn't have a stand for our tv since it had always sat on the fireplace mantel in our two previous homes.  Well, since we are renting, I didn't want to fork out the money for the one I really wanted, so we waited.  The tv sat on our coffee table while I searched craigslist and garage sales.  I didn't find anything worth repainting...until that day in the goodwill.  I was even able to talk them down in price.  Yea baby!  This was a very cheap alternative and what I wanted.  I didn't want anything that my future crawling/walking baby could eventually get into.  This is high enough so she can't get into things.  We are going to put glass on the two outside doors, but just haven't gotten around to it.  Wasn't I bold in my color choice?  I thought so.

After.  Too bad we don't have an awesome flat screen tv to put on top.  


Chelsea said...

ooooh, I like it! Lucky find!

The Mama said...

Cute cute!! I need you to come over to my house and spice things up! I am not crafty at all.

Carrie said...

I love the color - it's beautiful!

Jenna said...

Great job, I really like it! I'm in the market for a new tv console too..