Friday, October 15, 2010

Travel Suggestions

Friends, I need some suggestions.  We are driving across the country with three children for four full days.  I need things to entertain them with, rather than letting them watch TV the whole way.  It's my baby that I'm most concerned about.  Just turning 1, it's going to be pretty difficult keeping her happy for four days while strapped in a car seat.  Please fill me in on your travel tips or things that I could buy to help the drive go a little easier.  Did I mention that my husband and I both have to drive a car, so there will not be an extra set of hands in the car to help out.


Laura said...

Though I have nothing against movies, belive it or not your kiddos get tired of them too!
I've never done that with a 1 year old. . .good luck! But here's what worked for us when going to New Mexico:
I had the boys each pack a backpack with things that they liked. Crayons, coloring books, action figures, cars, etc. I packed lots of snacks!
I would let them watch a movie. When it ended I would say "break" and then it was snack time followed by playing with something they brought. If they didn't fall asleep I would start the routine over--movie, snack, bag time.
I know that's probably not much help for Viv. I'll just pray for ya that she sleeps 90% of the time.

The Bluths said...

Just unstrap her and let her roam free. That's what our grandparents would have done ;)

I'll be thinking about it, not much you can do with that age, just lots of breaks maybe. Find a park and let her out.

P.S. I just found out last night that our friends moved into your old house. We were over there last night. Fun to see it again.

The Four J's said...

When we moved from Washington to Arizona this summer, I went and bought a bunch of toys at the dollar store and wrapped them and every couple stops, there would be a present in his carseat. Believe it or not, they've got some decent toys there. Good luck!!!

The Nance Family said...

I did the buy a bunch of random cheap toys on our trip for the my boys and they loved that. The only advice I can give on the one year old is that they soil their diaper faster from sitting in the sit for so long, sometimes they wet through, so you might have to check the diaper more often then you would like.
We are going to miss you and we will definitely keep up with you and your cute family through FB and blogs. Best of Luck!