Friday, August 20, 2010

Losing It

Would you believe me if I said I TOTALLY lost it on the phone tonight with Carter's Kindergarten teacher?  She called at 9:00 pm tonight to see if I had any questions for her.  I just started crying.  I can't get a handle on myself.  I've been crying about this day for 5 years and now it's actually here.  Luckily, Carter hasn't seen me in action yet, and if all goes well he won't.  Seriously, how am I going to get through this?  He's going to a school with 11 Kindergarten classes.  I think there was that many classes in my whole entire elementary school.


Jenna said...

I totally understand. I'm already having anxiety about Cyrena and she still has another year! I've never even sent her somewhere else for preschool, what will I do without her? You'll make it and it will seem normal fairly soon I bet! Good luck!

The Bluths said...

At first when I read that you "lost it" I thought you were yelling at the teacher or something, ha! The first day is hard, but after that it gets better. He's going to love it and come home and want to tell you everything. (I wish Logan would remember to tell me everything. He seems to forget his entire day when I ask him.)

♥ Jennifer said...

Aww I can't even imagine how hard that would be. It seems like he has a good teacher though, if she was calling everyone individually like that. I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun and learn a lot. ;)

Erin said...

don't worry, it will be alright!!! Ryan even road the bus. Just try not to think about it too much and just think that we all go to school and it works out ok! you can do it!!!

The Herberts said...

Oh I cried like a baby when caviston went to kindergarten its hard and you will think about him and wonder how his day is going often but you will get used to it. I love to see how much Caviston is learning in school and how many good friendships he has made.