Monday, August 23, 2010

Carter's First Day of School

The famous back to school shot...except the only thing new he is wearing are his socks.  He insisted that he wear this particular outfit.  About a month ago I tried buying him new shoes, but he wanted to keep his old one's.  This morning when he was putting them on, he said that they are getting a little small and that he might need new one's.  

Brotherly love.  Their long days of fighting and then making up have come to an least during the week.   Blake is enjoying his new reign over all the toys.  

Vivian was so happy this morning.  She didn't stop smiling the whole time we were outside waiting for the bus.  I should mention that we waited over 20 minutes in 90 + degree weather (and humidity).

Still waiting...

Finally the bus came.  He couldn't wait to get on it and ride to school.

Can you see the excitement?  They could have at least washed the bus windows so I could get a clear shot.  

We met him at school just as he was coming off the bus.  He was still just as excited.  

Walking down the hallway to his class.  He'll have to learn to stay in a single file line.  He's just a baby.

My last moment with him.  We were in the classroom all but one minute.  Things are different in a BIG school with over 1,400 students.  We opened the outside door, and the tears started flowing.  I was so proud of myself for waiting.  It was really hard keeping them in for that long.  We only have 37 minutes until we get to go pick him up at the bus stop in 106 degree weather (plus humidity).  I don't think he got to go outside for recess this morning.  When it's over 100 degrees, they have to stay inside.  I'm sure that was his biggest disappointment of the day.


Rachel said...

wow what a big day for you! at first i was freaking out because i thought he was just taking the bus by himself and that was it! I'm glad you were able to go in the class with him. But you are making me scared for 5 years from now ...

Jenna said...

Fun and emotional...what a great combo! I love the beginning of the school year...when I am the teacher! :) Again, I'm not looking forward to next year.

Cooper Squared said...

Great pictures Candace. You are getting quite good.

You are a beautiful mom and a great example to all of us. I think you did an excellent job with the 5 years you had all to yourself.

The Bluths said...

Man, your neighborhood has some nice grass! :)

Does his bus pick him up in front of your house? Where were the other kids?

I hope you do ok, he'll do great!

Candace said...

The bus picks him up and drops him off two houses down from ours. Only one other child got on with him, but there will be more tomorrow. Our school is only for the people that live in our neighborhood, so everyone that lives in a certain radius of the school has to either walk their kids to school or drop them off. Since we live across a main intersection, we have the option of a bus, so there are only about 17 kids that ride it.

Laura said...

that's pretty incredible to be in a huge elementary school and only have 20 kids in the class.
you did so well. really you are going to love this new stage in life having him in school. are excited about his little southern twang he'll start picking up!?
and wait a kept mentioning humidity...i heard the texas humidity wasn't so bad.
i just love reading about your fun little family in texas!

♥ Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, the humidity in Houston is horrible! I still can't believe we haven't gotten together yet. Things should start slowing down for Cade now that most of the salesman have gone back to Utah for school. We look forward to seeing y'all again! ;) Anyway, I'm glad that Carter is so excited about school. Can you imagine how much worse you'd be crying if he was scared to go? Ah!

Whitney said...

I love that picture of him not in the line. It cracks me up!
You have such a cute family!!

jaordyna said...

No way! He's off to school already?! good job stickin him on the bus and letting him get out on his own. Was he nervous? did HE cry? I picture him being bold and brave.