Monday, June 14, 2010


When I hit up our huge neighborhood garage sale back in November, I came across a woman who was selling various sizes of baby girl clothes for .10 a piece.  Yes, you read that right.  They were name brand and in really good condition.  I purchased this ladybug outfit (Gymboree brand) in hopes that Viv could wear it next Halloween, but I'm not sure what I was thinking when I thought she would fit into a 12-18 month costume by then.  I guess I was hoping she wouldn't grow too fast.  Wrong, I decided to pull it out of the closet and try it on her before it won't fit anymore. I happened to make a headband a little while ago that matched perfectly with it.  What are the chances?

Now, for the little ladybug.  


Chelsea said...

She is so stinking cute.

The Bluths said...

She's already in 12-18 mo. outfits? Wowza!

Nicole said...
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