Friday, May 14, 2010

You know you live in Texas when...

your single neighbor calls you panicked and says she thinks someone might be in her house.  I have four kids at my house and a baby on my hip.  She has one of our other neighbors over, but wants me to come too.  I've got some pretty cool karate moves, so I join them.  Before we enter the house, our other neighbor (a gentleman) pulls out a 22 handgun and says that we need to be careful and "watch his back" (he was completely serious, too).  My single neighbor says "Oooh, like the movies!".  I love her.  I am thinking this has got to be one of the funniest things ever.  We go through the house, I still have a baby on my hip, and find nothing.  When we are finished, he unloads the gun and walks home.  I think our gentleman neighbor got a thrill from bringing his gun with him and going through a house where a possible intruder may be.  It was the thrill of my day.  I'm really glad we didn't find anything.


The Bluths said...

So what made her think someone was in her house?

Jill said...

I wish you would've taken your camera along.