Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Too Tired

I forgot to post this picture of Blake after they went camping a few weeks ago.  When they got home Blake went straight from the bath to bed.  I went to wake him up and he fell asleep again in the process of getting out of bed.


Chelsea said...

Aw, so sweet. I love pictures like this. I don't know if I'll ever get a picture like this of Michael. They remind me of the pictures we have of Andrew like this.

Thanks for the phone call...I had to take Michael to the phlebotomist to get his blood drawn.

Jill said...

Andrew to the T.

Jenna said...

That is a great picture! He'll love it when he's older.

The Bluths said...

Oh that is so funny! On a side note, I saw on my friend's blog that Carter and Dean Fantasia are in the same preschool, small world.