Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayer for the Sick

Two minutes ago I heard Blake say in his prayer before bed "I thank thee that I could blow all of the snot out of my nose.  I thank thee that I can breathe again.  I thank thee that I can say good prayers."  I really have no words for this.

Can you tell we have been sick at our house? Vivian got it the worst with another ear infection (the third since moving here), two fang teeth breaking through her gums and a nasty cold.  It's been one week ago tomorrow that this all started.  I'm ready to not stay up all night long comforting a sick baby.  Things have started to look better today with a visit to Nana's house. The girl lit up the moment she saw her and shouted "hi" when walking through the door.  Nana must have magic powers because I promise it wasn't like that 20 minutes before we got there.  Either way, I'm grateful for medicine that helps her get better.


Jenna said...

I am definitely ready for the winter sicknesses to end! I hope you get some rest soon!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh. how do you do it?!?! OH my by the way Sage can fit into her older clothes now...and UM I just washed your outfit and CANNOT wait for her to wear it! I hope you all are feeling better...nothing worse than a house full of little sickies!!!

Cooper Squared said...
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Cooper Squared said...

I love their little prayers. I hope you are writing them down.

Have you seen this?

My SIL gave me two for Christmas.