My last pictures of our trip to WA in no particular order.
Sunday afternoon nap

My swollen feet. They may not look swollen to you, but you could definitely make an indent in them. They are much worse now and I don't think I can take 3 1/2 more weeks of this.
I made Elder Andrew Lybbert (my missionary brother) a Texas sheet cake for his birthday. We ate it all gone in his honor. Here are my parents enjoying it. I just love their little pose.

My swollen feet. They may not look swollen to you, but you could definitely make an indent in them. They are much worse now and I don't think I can take 3 1/2 more weeks of this.
The cousins found a "dead" frog in the pool. They decided to have a funeral for it right then and there. They went down in the weeds away from the pool to give it its proper burial. As soon as they plopped it in it's grave, it jumped out. They all ran around trying to find a shovel to kill it. It was quite the scene.
Carter and Chandler
Roasting marshmellows. Don't I look happy?
Lovin' on baby Clara. Carter could not get enough of her. He cried all last week because he wanted to see her.
Good friends....FINALLY!!!

Blakey boy!
Picking Washington apples right off the trees.
Oh man! I miss picking Washington apples straight from the tree!!
Your parents are so cute. I love the picture of Carter and his cousin 'finally friends' I hear you on that one! Looks like you had an amazing time! Good luck these next few weeks!
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