Carter is 4 years old today! Since it's a work day for Cody, we decided to go to Sea World on Saturday with some friends. It's a three hour drive, but doesn't seem that bad at all. We made a great day trip out of it. They have a water park inside, so that is what we did the majority of the time. After we were done with the water park park, we went to a few shows...Shamu being one of them. The stadium was PACKED, but we managed to squeeze our way into the 5th row on one of the sides...also known as the "Wet Zone". At the end of the show it was 5 bazzilion degrees and we were ready to get wet. Nothing could have prepared us for what was about to happen. We knew a whale was going to splash us, but WOW, we got three enormous whale tale splashes! It felt like someone dumped bucket after bucket of ICE COLD salt water on my head. Poor Blake was sitting on my lap so he got the first of everything. I thought my body was going into shock the entire time we were being splashed. Our kids didn't cry, so that was good. It was a great day for us. Yesterday we had some friends over to have Carter's birthday cake since on his real birthday day he wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese and play games. That will happen tonight when Cody get's home. Carter wanted an ice cream oreo cake...I had just the perfect recipe. He actually had the same cake for his 2nd birthday. My boy is SO easy to please. This morning when he woke up we showered him with birthday wishes and presents. He had a few friends drop off gifts since they were going to be out of town. In Texas, it's really hard to have a summer birthday and celebrate with friends since everyone takes off for a month! At least we are the next one's to go. He asked for a Cars bike, so a Cars bike it was. He was SO ready for a bigger bike and he LOVES it and won't stop talking about it. The rest of his presents consisted of games and a soccer ball. He could play games all day. It is 11:00am here and we have already played 4 new games, taken a bike ride around the neighborhood (at 7:15am this morning) and played a soccer game or two. He wanted Honey Bunches of Oats with fresh strawberries for breakfast--I'm not sure I know too many 4 year olds that would want that as their birthday breakfast. He is his father's son! Now I'll leave you with my tradition of showing his last year in pictures. Enjoy!

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