Sunday, May 17, 2009

Howdy Y'all!

We are here in Houston, TX safe and sound.  It took us alm
ost 2 weeks to get the internet hooked up to our new place, so that is why the posts have been lacking.  So, buckle up and get ready for the biggest blog ride of your life over the next few days.  I'll start with Cody's graduation to the present.  Most of this will be pictures with captions and a few longer explanations here and there.
The Marriott School of Business graduation.  It took them a little over 1 1/2 hours to call all of the graduates names on stage.  I'm SO glad my cousin was willing to watch the boys for this one.
Cody with his dad and brothers.
Did Cody just finish two more years of schooling?  We could hardly believe it.  The time flew way too fast!
Cody had graduation on Thursday afternoon and Friday evening.  Both of those days were kind of a blur since I had arrived home from WA with the boys and my parents Wednesday night.  The next two days were full of dr.'s appointments, graduations, dinners, moving our stuff and cleaning our house.  We were completely exhausted, but we left Provo for Houston on Saturday morning.  I drove the Accord and Cody drove with the boys in the van the whole 3 1/2 days.  He said they didn't cry once.  I'm sure they didn't since they watched movies the entire 3 1/2 days!  

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