Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Cody had last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off (which still means going to school and studying, but he did have some time off in the late afternoon on a few days) so we decided to do a few things we wanted to do before leaving Utah. The first one being snow skiing with the kids. My parents started me and my siblings out at the age of two, so we thought we would give it a try. Sundance has a free bunny hill, so we decided that would be the best place to give it the boys first try. We rented our equipment from BYU and headed off in the afternoon. Once we got there, we bundled everyone up, got our ski equipment, bought an edgy wedgy (hooks the tips of skis together so you aren't doing the splits 100% of the time) and headed off for the mountain...I mean bunny hill. I had to carry Blake since he was wearing boots 5 sizes too big (it's the biggest size they made) and a pair of skis. We had to climb up a hill to get to the bunny hill, so it was quite the workout. Cody and I were both sweating bullets by the time we reached the top. We didn't wear hats or gloves the whole time we were there...except for the boys. Once we got up, we put the boys skis on and Blake immediately started crying. He definitely didn't like all of the restrictions. That lasted for about 20 seconds when the crying turned into shouts of "WEEEEE" once we got on the tater pole that took us to the top. Holding a limp 22 month old with skis on while trying to hold on to the tater pole hook was extremely hard for me....especially when kids in front of us were falling down left and right. Carter was in heaven the entire time! When both of us made it to the top, we each had a child in between our legs ready to go down the hill. Carter and Blake both yelled "YIPEE" and "WEE" the entire time we went down the first time. The afternoon was a success. Everyone kept asking us how old Blake was...they couldn't believe how young he was. One guy said "I would never take a one year old skiing." I told him he was almost two, but he didn't care. What's the big deal, buddy! Carter cried when we left. Cody promised him to take him back so he could ride on the chair lift...he won't let him forget...trust me.

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