CANCELED!!! We even had free babysitting from our ward. Blake woke up this morning...he has some type of virus. You know the kind where you have a sore throat...he was tested for strep, but that was a negative. He was perfectly fine until he woke up this morning. Hopefully it's nothing major and we can go on vacation without any sick kids. You know your 21 month old is sick when they lay on the floor covered in blankets for 2 hours, fall asleep on you in the Dr.'s office, stay asleep from the transfer to car to bed and a change of a diaper and eat no lunch. I'm so excited for what tonight will bring...and tomorrow...and the next day. I needed this break, so did Cody. Finals time isn't always the best time. Oh well, there's always next time.
Something is wrong with his neck. He has to have it laying down or else he cries...I think it is sore or aches for some reason. Yes, he's eating popcorn...when my kids are sick, they pretty much get whatever they want. I know, I'm awesome.
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